Ensley Township Demographics
Ensley Township Crime Rate
The Ensley township crime rate is compiled by the F.B.I. on a yearly basis and is measured by the number of murders, violent crimes, nonnegligent manslaughter, law enforcement agencies and property crimes. Violent crimes in Ensley township is rated a 3 and includes any crimes involving threat or force such as robbery, nonnegligent manslaughter, and aggravated assault, forcible rape and murder. Ensley township property crimes is also compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigations and is rated a 4 and includes larceny, car theft, property arson, money theft and other crimes that do not involve force or threat to the victim.
Political Distribution in Ensley Township
In Ensley township the political allocation consists of 51.340% Republicans, 46.700% Democrats, and 1.961% Independents. The oldest political party in the US is the Republican Party. It is renowned for having the most powerful conventional ideals and belief. The Republican Party was made on anti-slavery ideology and the politics of this party is considered to be revolving around the center right. In the US politics, the Republican Party, also called as the Grand Old Party is considered to be the one of the big two.
Another political party, The Democratic Party, is the other most important party which is placed in the center left as per its ideals and beliefs. The Democratic Party is not only one of the pioneers in the political scenario in the US but also in the whole word.
The parties that are independent have always been a part in the political state of affairs of the US and are well integrated with the American political system. These parties such as the Nationalist Socialist movement, The Green Party, The Boston Tea Party, The Independent Party and the American Party are relatively diverse in terms of their notions, beliefs and ideals.
Religious Distribution in Ensley township:
31.74% religious distributions exist in Ensley township. 0.00% Number of citizens that were identified with a religious denomination were followers of Islam. The followers of Islam are called Muslims and they put their faith in one omnipotent God, who is called Allah. God’s direct word is believed to be in the form of the Holy Scripture named as Koran.
0.00% number of people residing in the above mentioned city were identified as the followers of Judaism. The followers of Judaism are known to be Jews and there ay of life is decided by the religious scrolls named as Tanaka and Talmud, which are said to be the prescribed way of life by God. According to them, there is only One God.
12.99% number of people associated themselves with the religion of Christian Other. These people belong to those forms of Christianity which are outside the typical and conventional Christian Churches. This includes fundamentalist Christians, i.e. people belonging to smaller churches whose views may be denser. Even though Christian believes in One God i.e. the father, the son and the holy spirit, they differ in the details of their belief and the content of their belief differs from one church group to another, which leads to fragmentation of Christian churches.
There were 0.00% Presbyterians where as 3.88% number of Methodists. Both are Christian churches however they have different roots, with the Presbyterian Church being founded in Scotland while the Methodist was formed by the English minister John Wesley. Even though they both share the common beliefs of Sovereignty of God but they differ in their way of showing the same to the world. Theses Churches are more conventional than the others.
The Church formed by German minister, Martin Luther, named as Lutherans, claimed 1.13% number of followers. The charismatic or evangelical beliefs of God, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit, belong to Pentecostals. In Ensley township, 1.52% number of people were found to be believers of the Holy trinity; the three in one, Pentecostals. Another religious group of Episcopalians had 0.28% numbers of people while there were 2.43% number of Baptists. Baptists have a link with the ritual of Baptism. According to this ritual, be it infants, adolescents or adults, one has to believe in God and His power to save to be baptized. However, there are a variety of sub faiths that exists in different Churches around different areas, under the umbrella of the Baptist Church.
The Latter Day Saints, LDS, which is known as a renowned Church, consists of 0.40% followers. Mormon is the term used for those people who attend the LDS and this Church was founded by Joseph Smith. The conventional Church of the Protestant is followed by 0.00%.
Catholics with a number of 9.10% people belonged to the highest total in the religious distribution classification, in the area of Ensley township. The world’s biggest denomination is made up of Catholics and their spiritual Patron is the Pope. This is considered to be the one of the earliest of the churches of Christianity in history.
Housing units being built in Ensley township:
There is a range of housing units that have been constructed over a number of years in Ensley township. The construction of these housing units was done from before the period of 1939 until 2005. In the period of 1939 or so, 14.43% of the housing units were formed. In all the years, this time period was the one when the largest percentages of housing units were built. However, after this period, the number of houses that were built started to diminish.
In the years 1940 and 1949, 6.38% number of houses were constructed. Also, the 5.27% number of houses was formed in the years ranging from 1950 and 1959. This percentage was lowered down to a sum of 3.42% housing units created in the years 1960 to 1969.
However, in 1970 to 1979 there was a slight increase to 14.52% followed by a larger rise of 14.71% in the time period of 1980 and 1989. This increase in numbers persisted in the time period of 1990 to 1994 making a total of 10.73% development in housing units, till it reached the peak since 1939.
However, there was again a huge reduction in the numbers of housing units in the time frame of 1995 to 1998. In this period only 13.78% units were built in Ensley township. Moreover, there was an additional decline of 16.74% housing units constructed between 1999 and 2000.
Percentage of Homes with Values by Ensley Township
There are housing units with diverse values contained in Ensley township. The sum of 0.78% of the housing units is of the value of less than $20,000 dollars. The category in which the range of $20,000 to $39.999 house value falls consists of a total of 2.02%. The grouping of housing with the utmost numbers at that value range is the $40,000 to $59,000 with 7.39%. The range of $60,000 to $79,999 is the second uppermost value range with 12.09%.
Followed by the $80,000 to $99,999 range that lessens down to 9.74%. The subsequent group of 33.82% housing units have a somewhat greater proportion with the value ranging between $100,000 to $149,000. Since, the value of the houses increase in last category, it is not astonishing that the total percentage in Ensley township lessens down. $150,000 and $199,999 is the range where 20.27% of houses are priced where as only 10.75% house units are priced between the range of $200,000 and $299,999 dollars.
Moreover, there is a minor raise in the next group with 1.68% prized between $300,000 and $399,999. 1.12% is the sum of the value of constructions that lie between $400,000 and $499,000.
Lastly, 0.00% units are valued at $1,000,000 or above and only 0.34% have a price of $500,000 and $749,999.
Ensley township Population
Welcome to Ensley township, Michigan which has a population density of 77 and represents the total number of residents or people per square mile of area that have similar characteristics such as age, ethnicity or gender. Since 2000, Ensley township has changed 11.48% and has a median age of 36.1 which represents the age that separates the population into 2 distinct groups, half younger and hold older which overalls sums the age distribution of people within this part of Michigan.
Ensley township singles population is 30.43% with 48.77% Ensley township women and 51.23% are Ensley township City men.
Ensley Township Environment
Ensley township in the state of Michigan has an air quality index of 89 which is based upon yearly reports compiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also known as the EPA. The air quality in Ensley township, is measured by an air quality measurement station and measures the condition or quality of air and pollutants and based upon relative conditions needed for healthy breathing. The higher the index value, the better the quality of air residents of Ensley township will have. Depending on the number of ozone alert days, the EPA can assertain the amount of pollutants in the air such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, particulates, lea and volatile organic chemicals.
Water quality in Ensley township is 33 and like air, represents the quality of Michigan's water supply based upon the following 15 indicators, fish consumption advisories, wetland loss, urban runoff potential, estuarine pollution susceptibility, conventional pollutant loads above permitted limits, population change, contaminated sediments, agricultural runoff potential, toxics, conventional pollutants
source water for drinking water systems, designated use support, wetland and aquatic species at risk, toxic pollutant loads above permitted limits, hydrologic modification created by dams in this part of Michigan.
Ensley township has a superfund site index of 99 which represents a sum total of all the superfund polulation sites in the county and includes money spent on all clean up programs. Michigan's superfund is an initiative funded by the federal government to clean up hazardous and uncontrolled toxic wastelands in Ensley township and other surrounding cities to protect the health of all citizens of the United States.
Ensley township Job Market
The job market in Ensley township is based on the overall unemployment rate, recent job growth and future job growth in Michigan. Currently, the unemployment rate in Ensley township City is approximately 13.40% which represents a percentage of the available work force that is not working and is estimated by dividing the number of residents who are employed by all the residents currently counted in the entire labor pool of Ensley township. Recent Job Growth estimates show that Ensley township is -7.55% which represents an increase or decrease in the number of jobs available in this part of Michigan over a 1 year time-frame. Over the next 10 years, Ensley township City Future Job Growth is projected to have a change of 11.50% based on the economy's ability to create new services and goods, patterns of migration and various other factors such as demand and expansion of technology, energy and gas, and health care industry in Michigan.
Overall, Ensley township has 5.42% of the residents working in the Business, financial operations and management industry with 11.53% percent in the service business such as advertising, public services, healthcare, marketing, entertainment, real estate and various other service industries in Michigan. Forestry, Fishing and Farming in Ensley township comprises 0.00% and 15.35% in the maintenance, construction and extraction industry which includes mining, natural resources and gas extraction. Ensley township professional and related occupations account for T which includes engineering technicians, medial scientists, computer systems analysts, physicists and astronomers, Ensley township ?lawyers, health educators, media and communications professionals, health diagnosing and treating and Ensley township doctors which currently there about 501.3 Ensley township physicians per 100,000 people?. Material moving, production and Transportation in Ensley township measures at 35.42% of the population and 22.78% representing jobs in Ensley township in the sales and office industry which consists of retail, office equipment, point-of-sale and sales management positions in Ensley township, Michigan.
In Ensley township, the average number of minutes a resident travels to work for a one-way commute is 36.5 minutes with 79.27% of those drivers are actually driving to work alone and 16.67% are sharing transportation by carpool. It is estimated that 14.66% of Ensley township residents commute to work is less than 15 minutes, 22.07% between 15 and 29 minutes and 33.28% commute between 30 and 44 minutes. The remaining commuters who travel by light rail, subway, ferry, bus or mass transit is about 0.43%. Residents of Ensley township who work at home represents 2.49% of the overall population.
Ensley township Housing Market
Home appreciation in Ensley township is approximately 0.08% with negative percentages representing a decline. The percentage of vacant homes meaning unoccupied homes, apartments, mobile homes and rooms occupied as separate quarters is about 11.38%. The average home value in Ensley township is $79,990 which is not the average price but the median price which is calculated by sorting all home values from the lowest value to the highest value and selecting the middle value because the median value is not affected as much by lower priced homes in Michigan. The average home age in Ensley township is estimated to be around 24 years old with 82.61% of all homes are actually owned and includes mobile homes, apartments, separate living quarters and occupied rooms. Overall, 6.01% are Ensley township homes, apartments and mobile homes for rent.
Ensley Township Weather and Climate
Ensley township receives about 31.6 inches in rainfall and 59.7 inches in snowfall per year with 128 days of precipitation and an average of 163 sunny days which are days that are predominantly sunny. The average highest temperature in July is 83 degrees Fahrenheit and the average lowest temperature in January is 11.7 degrees Fahrenheit.
Ensley township has an elevation of 748 feet and a comfort index of 50 which represents a measure of comfort or discomfort based upon atmospheric conditions such as humidity and temperature ranges in Michigan.
The ultraviolet or UV index in Ensley township is rated 3.3 which indicates this part of 's exposure to the sun's ultravoilet rays and represents a combination of latitude, altitude and sunny days.
Ensley township Education
Ensley township in Michigan spends about $5,242 per student for its school expenditure and has approximately 18.6 students per teacher, 1277 students per librarian and 681 students per counselor. Overall, 8.18% of Ensley township residents and over the age of 25 are 2 year college graduates with an associates degree or 2-year college degree from a Ensley township community college. Furthermore, over 84.65% of Ensley township population over the age of 25 have a high school diploma or high school general education degree other wise known as a GED.
The percentage of residents over 25 living in Ensley township with a 4 year college degree is 6.26%